De Gerlien van Tiem bv

Bow thruster room ms Georg in top condition again!

Bow thruster room ms Georg in top condition again!

Bow thruster room ms Georg in top condition again!

At the beginning of 2022, ms Georg visited us in Druten to renovate the front house and intall a steel floor.
Since ms Georg normally sails on the Neckar in the south of Germany, it was quite a few extra kilometers to reach us in Druten. But Mr. Timo Meier must have been satisfied with the jobs carried out in 2022 that he was happy to have a complete renovation of the bow thruster room carried out this time.

We have installed a new bow thruster type Ø 1000 MKIC with new bow thruster engine Stage V, type Volvo D8 A6. 2 new generators have also been installed plus a new engine room floor and the complete electrical system has been renewed in the engine room fore ship. The photos show that everything looks clean and sleek again. We thank Timo Meier from Willersinn OHG from Ludwigshafen again for the trust and wish him a lot of of manoeuvring ease with his new bow thruster.